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UNIZIK Cut Off Point – 2024/2025

Welcome to our guide on Nnamdi Azikiwe University’s admission requirements and cut-off points! If you’re considering applying to UNIZIK, it’s essential to understand the scores needed for admission into various programs. We’ve simplified the information provided by the university to help you navigate the application process with ease.

What Are Cut-off Points?

Cut-off points are the minimum scores required for admission into different courses at UNIZIK. These scores vary depending on the program you’re applying for and whether you’re applying under the merit category.

Course Cut-off Points:

  1. Medicine and Surgery: 310.5 (Merit)
  2. Nursing/Nursing Science: 276 (Merit)
  3. Radiography: 259.5 (Merit)
  4. Mass Communication: 252.5 (Merit)
  5. Civil Law: 271 (Merit)
  6. Pharmacy: 290 (Merit)
  7. Computer Science: 227.5 (Merit)
  8. Economics: 229.5 (Merit)
  9. Political Science: 228.5 (Merit)
  10. Psychology: 203 (Merit)


Understanding the cut-off points for different courses at Nnamdi Azikiwe University is crucial for aspiring students. By familiarizing yourself with these requirements, you can better prepare for the admission process and increase your chances of securing a spot in your desired program. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out for assistance. Good luck with your application!


  1. What is a Cut-off Point? A cut-off point is the minimum score required for admission into a particular course at Nnamdi Azikiwe University.
  2. How Are Cut-off Points Determined? Cut-off points are determined based on various factors, including the number of applicants, available spaces, and the competitiveness of the program.
  3. What Happens if I Don’t Meet the Cut-off Point? If you don’t meet the cut-off point for your desired course, you may not be offered admission into that program. However, you can explore other options or consider reapplying in the future.
  4. Can Cut-off Points Change? Yes, cut-off points can change from year to year based on factors such as the university’s admission policy and the academic performance of applicants.
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