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Southwestern University, Nigeria Cut Off Point – 2024/2025

Are you aspiring to join Southwestern University, Nigeria, and curious about the admission cut-off points? We’ve got you covered with the latest information for the 2024/2025 academic session. In this blog post, we will break down the admission requirements and cut-off points, keeping it simple and easy to understand.

Admission Requirements:

To secure admission into Southwestern University, Nigeria (SUN), aspiring students need to meet the set criteria. The university releases its admission requirements and cut-off points annually. For the current academic session, admission requirements are in line with the guidelines provided by the Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB).

JAMB Cut-off Mark:

The primary determinant for admission into Southwestern University is the JAMB cut-off mark. As of this publication, the JAMB cut-off mark set by the university is 160 out of 400. This means that candidates seeking admission into any program at SUN must score 160 and above in their JAMB examination.

No Specific Departmental Cut-off:

Unlike some institutions that set specific departmental cut-off marks, Southwestern University, Nigeria, does not have such distinctions. The admission into any desired course is contingent on meeting or exceeding the overall JAMB cut-off mark of 160.


  1. What is the JAMB cut-off mark for Southwestern University, Nigeria?
    • The JAMB cut-off mark for admission into Southwestern University is 160 out of 400.
  2. Are there specific cut-off marks for each department at SUN?
    • No, Southwestern University does not set specific departmental cut-off marks. Admission into any desired course is determined by meeting the overall JAMB cut-off mark.
  3. How can I ensure a successful admission into Southwestern University?
    • To increase your chances of admission, focus on achieving a JAMB score of 160 and above. Additionally, pay attention to other admission requirements specified by the university.


Aspiring students should aim for a JAMB score of 160 and above to secure admission into Southwestern University, Nigeria, for the 2024/2025 academic session. It’s essential to stay updated with the university’s official announcements and meet all specified admission requirements. Good luck on your journey to becoming a part of the Southwestern University community!

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