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List of Courses Offered in Dominican University | NUC Approved

Dominican University, Ibadan, stands as a beacon of academic excellence, offering a diverse range of NUC-approved courses to cater to the educational aspirations of students. With accreditation from the National Universities Commission (NUC), the institution is committed to providing top-notch education in line with international standards.

  1. Faculty of Sciences: Dominican University excels in the realm of sciences, boasting accredited courses under various departments.
    • Department of Physical & Mathematical Sciences: Explore the fundamental principles governing the physical and mathematical realms, equipping students with a solid foundation for scientific inquiry.
    • Department of Chemical Sciences: Delve into the world of chemicals, unraveling the mysteries of substances and reactions, preparing students for impactful contributions in the field.
    • Department of Biological Sciences: Uncover the wonders of life through the study of biology, fostering a deep understanding of living organisms and their ecosystems.
  2. Faculties & Departments: Dominican University extends its academic prowess beyond the sciences, offering a rich array of courses across diverse faculties.
    • Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies: Stimulate intellectual curiosity by exploring philosophy and religious studies, encouraging critical thinking and a nuanced understanding of belief systems.
    • Department of Mass Communication: Nurture effective communicators and media professionals, blending theory with practical skills for success in the dynamic field of mass communication.
    • Department of Accountancy & Business Administration: Develop financial acumen and managerial expertise, preparing students for key roles in the corporate world through comprehensive programs in accountancy and business administration.
    • Department of Economics: Analyze economic trends and policies, empowering students with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of the global economy.
  3. Commitment to Quality Education: Dominican University is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of education. The institution’s commitment to quality ensures that students receive a robust education that aligns with global benchmarks. This dedication has positioned Dominican University as a top choice for those seeking higher education in Nigeria.


Dominican University, Ibadan, emerges as a distinguished institution, offering a spectrum of NUC-approved courses designed to shape well-rounded, knowledgeable graduates. As students embark on their academic journey in this esteemed institution, they are assured of an education that not only meets national standards but also aligns with global excellence. Explore the diverse academic offerings at Dominican University and set the foundation for a successful and fulfilling professional journey.

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