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KADPOLY Cut Off Point – 2024/2025

Are you aspiring to join the prestigious Kaduna Polytechnic for the upcoming academic session? We’ve got the inside scoop on the admission requirements and cutoff points that will pave the way to your educational journey. Read on to discover the key details you need to know!

Understanding Kaduna Polytechnic Cutoff Points

At Kaduna Polytechnic, the admission cutoff points are determined by the Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB). For the 2024/2025 academic session, the JAMB cutoff mark set for entry into any program at Kaduna Polytechnic is 120 and above. This means that aspiring students need to score 120 or higher in their JAMB examination to be eligible for admission.

Course-Specific Cutoff Points

While the general cutoff mark is set at 120, it’s essential to note that each course may have its specific cutoff points. Aspiring students should aim to meet or exceed these course-specific cutoff points to increase their chances of securing admission into their desired programs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: What is the JAMB cutoff mark for Kaduna Polytechnic? A1: The JAMB cutoff mark for entry into any program at Kaduna Polytechnic for the 2024/2025 academic session is 120 and above.

Q2: Are there specific cutoff points for each course? A2: Yes, while the general cutoff mark is 120, individual courses may have their specific cutoff points. It’s advisable to check the specific requirements for your desired program.

Q3: How can I prepare for JAMB to meet the cutoff mark? A3: Start your preparations early, use official JAMB resources, and consider enrolling in reputable JAMB preparatory classes to increase your chances of success.


Securing admission to Kaduna Polytechnic is an exciting opportunity, and understanding the cutoff points is a crucial step in the process. Aspiring students should not only aim to meet the general cutoff mark but also strive to exceed the specific requirements for their chosen courses. Prepare diligently, stay informed, and embark on your educational journey at Kaduna Polytechnic with confidence.

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