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FUTA Post-UTME Result, 2023/2024 out

The Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) has officially released the results of the 2023/2024 Post-UTME admission screening exercise. Candidates who participated in the screening can now check their results and screening scores online. This blog post provides a comprehensive guide on how to check your Post-UTME results and important information regarding the ongoing admission process.

 How to Check FUTA 2023/2024 Post-UTME Results Online

To access your Post-UTME results, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the official result checking portal: https://firars.futa.edu.ng/screening/welcome/putmeappindex/_checkresult
  2. Enter your UTME Number in the space provided.
  3. Click on the “Submit” button to proceed and check your Post-UTME result.

Important Note on Admission Process

While the results are now available, it’s crucial for candidates to be aware that the admission process is still ongoing. The university emphasizes that admission is strictly merit-driven, and no individual or group should be approached or paid for the purpose of checking results or influencing the process.

Stay Informed and Avoid Scams

Candidates are strongly advised to stay informed through official channels provided by FUTA. Be cautious and avoid falling victim to scams; the university reiterates that the admission process cannot be influenced by any form of payment. The credibility and fairness of the process remain a top priority.


As the Federal University of Technology, Akure, progresses with the 2023/2024 admission process, candidates are encouraged to regularly check the official portal for updates. Follow the provided steps to check your Post-UTME results and stay vigilant against fraudulent activities. FUTA is committed to a transparent and merit-driven admission process, ensuring a fair opportunity for all eligible candidates.

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