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Federal Polytechnic Damaturu Cut Off Point – 2024/2025

Are you aspiring to join the prestigious Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu (FEDPODAM) for the upcoming academic session? We’ve got you covered with essential information on admission requirements and cut-off points to help you navigate the process seamlessly.

Admission Cut-off Points:

The admission cut-off points at FEDPODAM are crucial factors that determine your eligibility for various courses. The institution relies on the cut-off mark set by the Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB), and for the 2024/2025 session, the JAMB cut-off mark for FEDPODAM is 120 and above. This means that to secure admission into any program at FEDPODAM, you must attain a JAMB score of 120 or higher.

Understanding the JAMB Cut-off Mark:

JAMB, the Joint Admission Matriculation Board, sets the minimum score required for admission into tertiary institutions. In the case of FEDPODAM, a JAMB score of 120 and above is the benchmark. It’s important for aspirants to aim for this score to increase their chances of securing admission.

How to Boost Your Chances:

To enhance your chances of gaining admission to FEDPODAM, focus on achieving a JAMB score that meets or exceeds the specified cut-off mark. Additionally, make sure to prepare thoroughly for any post-UTME screenings or other specific requirements for your chosen course.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1: What is the JAMB cut-off mark for FEDPODAM? A1: The JAMB cut-off mark for admission into Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu, is 120 and above for the 2024/2025 academic session.

Q2: Are there specific requirements for each course at FEDPODAM? A2: While the JAMB score is a general requirement, specific courses may have additional criteria. It’s advisable to check the official FEDPODAM website or contact the admissions office for detailed information on course-specific requirements.

Q3: How can I prepare for FEDPODAM post-UTME screenings? A3: Stay updated on FEDPODAM’s official communication channels for information on post-UTME screenings. Additionally, practice past questions, review relevant materials, and ensure you meet any additional requirements for your chosen course.


Securing admission into Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu, requires a JAMB score of 120 and above. Aspiring students should aim for this benchmark while staying informed about course-specific requirements. For more details and updates, regularly check the official FEDPODAM website and be prepared for any post-UTME screenings. Good luck on your academic journey!

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