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List of Postgraduate Courses Offered at Bowen University, BUI: 2024

Welcome to Bowen University’s diverse range of postgraduate programs that cater to a wide array of academic interests and career aspirations. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the various postgraduate diploma, master’s, and doctoral courses offered, along with the respective durations for full-time and part-time studies.

Postgraduate Diploma Program:

Bowen University’s Postgraduate Diploma program spans a minimum of 2 semesters and a maximum of 4 semesters for full-time students. Part-time students can expect a minimum duration of 3 semesters and a maximum of 6 semesters.

Master’s Degree Program:

For those pursuing a Master’s degree, the M.Sc. program entails a minimum of 3 semesters and a maximum of 6 semesters for full-time students. Part-time students can complete the program in a minimum of 4 semesters, with a maximum duration of 8 semesters. The MBA program offers flexibility with a minimum of 4 semesters for full-time and a maximum of 8 semesters, while part-time students can complete it in a minimum of 6 semesters, extending to a maximum of 10 semesters.

Master of Philosophy Degree Program:

The M.Phil. program requires a minimum of 3 semesters and a maximum of 6 semesters for full-time students. Part-time students can complete the program in a minimum of 4 semesters, with a maximum duration of 8 semesters.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree:

The Ph.D. degree program at Bowen University is designed for a minimum period of 6 semesters for full-time students, extending to a maximum of 8 semesters. Part-time students can complete the program in a minimum of 9 semesters, with a maximum duration of 12 semesters. For M. Phil/Ph.D. candidates, the minimum study period is 8 semesters for full-time students, extending to a maximum of 10 semesters. Part-time students can complete the program in a minimum of 10 semesters, with a maximum duration of 14 semesters.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

: Q1: How many semesters does the Postgraduate Diploma program at Bowen University last? A1: The Postgraduate Diploma program has a minimum duration of 2 semesters for full-time students and 3 semesters for part-time students, with a maximum of 4 and 6 semesters, respectively.

Q2: What is the duration of the MBA program for part-time students? A2: Part-time students pursuing an MBA at Bowen University can complete the program in a minimum of 6 semesters, with a maximum duration of 10 semesters.


Bowen University’s commitment to providing quality postgraduate education is evident in its diverse offerings and flexible study durations. Whether you are looking to enhance your skills in agriculture, business, or the sciences, Bowen University has a program tailored to meet your academic and professional goals. Explore the possibilities and embark on a rewarding postgraduate journey at Bowen University.

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