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ederal University Dutsin-Ma Postgraduate Application Forms – 2024 Admission

Are you considering pursuing a Postgraduate Diploma, Masters, or Doctorate Degree at the Federal University, Dutsin-Ma (FUDMA)? This blog post will walk you through the application process for the 2023 academic year, providing clear instructions for school leavers, non-school leavers, and special cases.

FUDMA Postgraduate Application Procedure & Admission Requirements:

Entry Requirements:

To kick off your application, make sure you have the following documents ready:

  1. Admission Letter
  2. Acceptance Payment Receipt
  3. Acceptance Letter/Form
  4. NYSC Certificate
  5. Two Recent Passport Photographs
  6. Birth Certificate
  7. LGA/State of Origin
  8. Release Letter from Employer (if applicable)

Application Procedure:

Follow these simple steps to apply online through the FUDMA application portal:

  1. Visit http://pgs.fudutsinma.edu.ng/apply
  2. Fill in your personal details, including surname, first name, other names, email, and mobile number.
  3. Select the faculty and program you are applying for.
  4. Click on “Start Application” to receive your application number and email confirmation.
  5. Activate your account by clicking on the link provided in the confirmation email.
  6. Generate your RRR (Remita Retrieval Reference) for payment verification.
  7. Check your email for payment confirmation and login to continue your application.

Application Deadline:

While the closing date for submission is yet to be announced, it’s crucial to submit your application before the deadline. No applications will be accepted after the specified closing date.


Q: What documents do I need for the application? A: You’ll need your admission letter, acceptance payment receipt, acceptance letter/form, NYSC certificate, passport photographs, birth certificate, LGA/state of origin, and a release letter from your employer if applicable.

Q: How do I check my payment status? A: After making payment, check your email for a “Payment Confirmation” message from the School of Postgraduate Studies. If your payment status is still “PENDING,” click “Refresh Status” on the portal.


Following these steps will help you navigate the FUDMA postgraduate application process smoothly. Remember to stay updated on the application deadline and ensure all required documents are readily available. Good luck on your academic journey!

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