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Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) Pre-degree Admission Form – 2023/2024

Welcome, prospective scholars! The Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) is thrilled to announce the commencement of the Pre-Degree Programme for the 2023/2024 academic session. This golden opportunity is extended to candidates who meet the eligibility criteria and are eager to pave their way to success. In this blog post, we will guide you through the application process, eligibility requirements, available subject combinations, and essential details to ensure a seamless journey towards securing your spot at OAU.

Eligibility Criteria:

To qualify for the OAU Pre-Degree Programme, candidates must possess a minimum of five credits in five subjects, achieved in a maximum of two sittings. These credits must include English Language (compulsory for all courses), Mathematics (required for Science-based and Social Science-based courses), and Literature-in-English (mandatory for Law).

Program Duration:

The Pre-Degree Programme spans two contact periods, totaling nine calendar months, providing a comprehensive foundation for successful transition into undergraduate studies.

Available Subject Combinations:

Candidates can choose from a range of subject combinations based on their desired field of study. It’s crucial to note that English Language is compulsory for all applicants. Here are some of the available subject combinations:

  • Arts: Government/Literature in English/Religious Studies (GLR), Economics/Government/Literature in English (EGL)
  • Biological Sciences: Biology/Chemistry/Physics (BCP)
  • Physical Sciences: Chemistry/Mathematics/Physics (CMP), Geography/Mathematics/Physics (GMP)
  • Social Sciences: Economics/Government/Mathematics (EGM), Mathematics/Geography/Economics (MGE)

Application Process:

Follow these simple steps to apply for the OAU Pre-Degree Programme:

  1. Visit the OAUCDL website: https://reg.oaucdl.edu.ng/Auth/Signup
  2. Create an account and log in using your username and password.
  3. Choose your preferred payment method (e-Tranzact or Paystack).
  4. Fill out the online application form and upload a recent passport photograph that meets the specified criteria.
  5. After completing the form, log out, and securely save your username and password.
  6. Stay updated on the website for the actual date of the entrance examination.

General Information:

Here are some crucial details to keep in mind:

  • The Pre-Degree entrance exam is computer-based, so it’s advisable to familiarize yourself with basic computer usage.
  • Regularly check the OAU website for the entrance exam date and other relevant information.
  • All candidates must register for the 2023 UTME during the programme.
  • Provide valid email addresses and personal telephone numbers during the application.
  • Submit the forms online within two weeks of accessing the website; downloaded or printed copies will not be accepted.
  • The Pre-Degree Entrance Exam will take place at the Ile-Ife Centre and a center in Ikeja, Lagos State.


Seize this opportunity to embark on your academic journey at one of Nigeria’s premier institutions. Ensure a smooth application process by carefully following the instructions and selecting the correct subject combination. Stay tuned for updates on the entrance exam date and other essential information. Best of luck on your path to success!

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