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List of Courses Offered at KADPOLY: 2024/2025

Are you eager to pursue higher education at Kaduna Polytechnic (KADPOLY)? Look no further, as we provide you with an official list of undergraduate courses offered at this esteemed institution. Discover the diverse academic opportunities awaiting you at Kaduna Polytechnic for the 2023/2024 academic session.

List of Courses at Kaduna Polytechnic:

  1. Accountancy
  2. Agricultural and Bio-Environmental Engineering Technology
  3. Agricultural Technology
  4. Architectural Technology
  5. Banking and Finance
  6. Building Technology
  7. Business Administration & Management
  8. Chemical Engineering Technology
  9. Civil Engineering Technology
  10. Co-operative Economics & Management
  11. Computer Engineering
  12. Computer Science
  13. Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology
  14. Estate Management and Valuation
  15. Fashion Design and Clothing Technology
  16. Food Technology
  17. Hospitality Management
  18. Industrial Safety and Environmental Engineering Technology
  19. Leisure and Tourism Management
  20. Library and Information Science
  21. Local Government Studies
  22. Mass Communication
  23. Mechanical Engineering Technology
  24. Mineral and Petroleum Resources Engineering Technology
  25. Nutrition and Dietetics
  26. Office Technology and Management
  27. Printing Technology
  28. Public Administration
  29. Quantity Surveying
  30. Science Laboratory Technology
  31. Social Development
  32. Statistics
  33. Surveying and Geo-Informatics
  34. Textiles Technology
  35. Urban and Regional Planning


Q: What is the tuition and fees structure at Kaduna Polytechnic for the 2023/2024 academic session? A: For detailed information on tuition and fees, please refer to the official Kaduna Polytechnic website or contact the institution’s administration.

Q: How can I stay updated on current news and updates from Kaduna Polytechnic? A: Stay connected by following Kaduna Polytechnic on Facebook and Twitter, or check their official website for the latest announcements.

Q: Are there other polytechnics with similar course offerings? A: Yes, you can explore the courses offered at Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic for the 2024/2025 academic session. Visit their official website for more details.


Embark on your academic journey at Kaduna Polytechnic with confidence, armed with knowledge about the diverse courses available. Stay informed about tuition, fees, and updates by following the official channels. If you’re considering alternatives, explore the course offerings at Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic. Your educational adventure awaits!

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