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Lagos City Polytechnic Fees Schedule: 2024/2025

Are you considering Lagos City Polytechnic Ikeja for your studies in the upcoming academic session? Or perhaps you’re already a student there? It’s essential to be informed about the current school fees to avoid any admission-related issues. Here’s all you need to know about the tuition fees for various programs at Lagos City Polytechnic Ikeja for the 2024/2025 session.

Tuition Fees Breakdown:

  1. Full-time ND Program: N80,000 per semester.
  2. Part-time ND Program: N55,000 per semester.
  3. Full-time HND Program: N90,000 per semester.
  4. Part-time HND Program: N65,000 per semester.
  5. Bachelor’s Degree: N90,000 per semester.
  6. ND to Bachelor’s Degree Transition: N90,000 per semester.
  7. HND to Bachelor’s Degree Transition: N105,000 per semester.

Payment Options:

Normally, tuition fees are due before registration. However, the institution understands individual circumstances and allows payment in installments as follows:

  • Full-time ND Programs: Two installments of N42,500 each.
  • Part-time ND Programs: Two installments of N27,500 each.
  • Full-time HND Programs: Two installments of N45,000 each.
  • Part-time HND Programs: Two installments of N27,500 each.


Q1. Can I pay my tuition fees in installments? A: Yes, Lagos City Polytechnic Ikeja allows installment payments to accommodate individual circumstances.

Q2. When are tuition fees due? A: Tuition fees are typically payable before registration. However, installment options are available.

Q3. What if I can’t pay my tuition fees on time? A: It’s essential to communicate with the institution about your situation. They may provide guidance or solutions to assist you.

Q4. Are there any additional fees apart from tuition? A: While tuition fees cover most expenses, there might be additional charges for specific services or facilities. It’s advisable to inquire directly with the institution for clarity.

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