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List of Courses Offered at D.S. Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic: 2024/2025

Are you eager to join D.S. Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic and kickstart your educational journey? Look no further! This article is your ultimate guide, providing comprehensive information on the courses offered, fees, and additional details to help you make informed decisions.

Courses Offered:

Discover a diverse range of undergraduate courses tailored to meet your academic interests and career goals at D.S. Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic. Here’s a snapshot of the exciting programs available:

  1. Accountancy: Delve into the world of finance and accounting, gaining valuable skills for a successful career in this dynamic field.
  2. Agricultural Technology: Explore the intersection of technology and agriculture, equipping yourself with knowledge to thrive in the agribusiness sector.
  3. Banking and Finance: Unlock opportunities in the financial industry by enrolling in this program, which covers essential concepts in banking and finance.
  4. Business Administration & Management: Develop managerial expertise and leadership skills crucial for navigating the business world with confidence.
  5. Computer Engineering: Dive into the world of hardware and software, learning to design and implement cutting-edge computer systems.
  6. Computer Science: Master the fundamentals of computer science, preparing yourself for a range of exciting career paths in technology.
  7. Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology: Gain hands-on experience in electrical and electronic systems, setting the foundation for a career in engineering.
  8. Marketing: Explore the dynamic field of marketing, understanding consumer behavior and developing strategies for successful product promotion.
  9. Office Technology and Management: Acquire essential administrative skills, preparing yourself for a career in office management and technology.
  10. Public Administration: Learn the intricacies of public governance and administration, making a positive impact in the public sector.
  11. Science Laboratory Technology: Engage in practical applications of scientific principles, honing your skills in laboratory technology.
  12. Statistics: Dive into the world of data and statistics, developing analytical skills that are in high demand across various industries.

Fees Schedule for 2024/2025:

Stay informed about the financial aspect of your education by checking out the D.S. Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic Fees Schedule for the upcoming academic year. Visit the official website or refer to our article on Fees Schedule for detailed information.

FAQs – Your Questions Answered:

Q: How can I access the complete list of courses offered at D.S. Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic? A: The full list of undergraduate courses is available in this article. Scroll through to find the program that aligns with your interests.

Q: What is the Fees Schedule for the upcoming academic year? A: Detailed information on the Fees Schedule for 2024/2025 can be found in a dedicated article or on the official D.S. Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic website.


Embark on an exciting educational journey at D.S. Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic, where a variety of courses await to shape your future. Stay updated on fees and other essential details to make the most of your academic experience. For further readings, explore our articles on tuition and fees for the upcoming academic year. Get ready to thrive in your chosen field with D.S. Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic!

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